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Mark Warner
US Senator

Tim Kaine
US Senator

Jennifer Wexton
US Congresswoman

Gerry Connolly
US Congressman

Don Buyer
US Congressman

Abigail Spanberger
US Congresswoman

Jenifer McClellan
US Congresswoman

Richard Saslaw
Former Majority Leader, Virginia Senate

Don Scott
Virginia House of Delegates
Virginia House of Delegates

Luke Torian
Chair of Appropriations, Virginia House of Delegates

Jennifer Carroll Foy
Virginia State Senator

Michelle Davis-Younger
Mayor of the City of Manassas

Pam Sebesky
Vice Mayor of the City of Manassas

Jeanette Rishell
Mayor of Manassas Park

Margaret Angela Franklin
Prince William County Board of Supervisors

Tim Demeria
Commissioner of Revenue,
City of Manassas
City of Manassas

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